

Grip of Grief and Trauma (2-Day)

Grip of Grief and Trauma (2-Day)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Perhaps the greatest mission field of the 21st century is the field of grief and trauma. Grief is to suffer due to some type of loss. Often, that loss is caused by a very traumatic event. A person in trauma often lives with the recurrent,...

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Ministering to the Suffering

Ministering to the Suffering

COURSE DESCRIPTION: When people have suffered trauma and loss, they often feel as if they are all alone in their suffering. Their world has been turned upside down. The solid footing they had before the trauma is no longer solid. Trauma can affect them in many...

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Crisis of Faith or Cry of Distress (2-day)

Crisis of Faith or Cry of Distress (2-day)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Trauma and loss can shape and shatter meaning. When people encounter trauma, they enter a state of distress and grief. Often, they want a reason for what happened. They want to know why, so they can once again have a sense of order and...

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