

Two half-day courses taught on a single day. Attend one course or both.

It is critical that a high-rise building under construction has a deep and strong foundation under it so that it can support everything above it. Marriage is no different. Its upward potential is dependent on the foundation under it. Will it be built on a rock or will it be built on sand? The answer to that question will help to determine if it will remain strong or if will it collapse when the ‘storms of life come upon it. Marriage can be the greatest institution in the world, and it can be the worst institution in the world. It all depends on what a person wants from it and what that person(s) is willing to put into it. It all depends on the foundation it is built on. Chaplains can help a man and women begin their marriage on a deep, strong, and healthy foundation. Being asked to officiate a wedding is an opportunity to share about biblical marriage and love, the role of husband and wife, the importance of communication, ways of keeping a marriage strong, the importance of prayer and the reading of God’s Word, and so much more. Building a marriage without God’s instruction manual is simply inviting failure. As a chaplain, we may be asked to officiate a wedding. What a tremendous opportunity God gives us to represent Him. Are you prepared for that opportunity? If not, Lord willing, this class will help to prepare you.


  • History & Custom of Marriage
  • Basic Knowledge of Marriage Law
  • Pre-Marriage Biblical Instruction
  • Pre-Wedding Activities
  • Day-of-Wedding Activities
  • Post-Wedding Activities
  • Follow-Up

Dates: October 28

Time: 8:00-12:00 and 1:00-5:30

Location: Location to be determined

Cost: $110 if registered for both half-day classes. $60.00 if registered for a half-day class.

Please fully complete the registration application to give us a better idea of who we are serving. Your information will be held in strict confidence.