

We teach a variety of courses to help a chaplain or aspiring chaplain further their education and skills. Courses on this page are listed alphabetically. 

School of Chaplaincy (5-day)
School of Chaplaincy (5-day)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Chaplaincy is a cutting-edge ministry that allows one to reach out to—not only the faith community but the secular community as well. Though looked upon as spiritual, a chaplain’s primary purpose is secular in nature, for he/she can provide crisis...

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Providing & Applying Self-Care (1-day)
Providing & Applying Self-Care (1-day)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: As chaplains, pastors or church volunteers, if we are not careful, we risk burnout. It is our deep caring nature and heart for others that leads us to serve those in need. Continual service to others who are in a crisis is a tremendous blessing but...

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Weddings, Funerals and the Role of a Chaplain
Weddings, Funerals and the Role of a Chaplain

COURSE DESCRIPTIONS: Two half-day courses taught on a single day. Attend one course or both. It is critical that a high-rise building under construction has a deep and strong foundation under it so that it can support everything above it. Marriage is no different. Its...

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Grip of Grief and Trauma (2-Day)
Grip of Grief and Trauma (2-Day)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Perhaps the greatest mission field of the 21st century is the field of grief and trauma. Grief is to suffer due to some type of loss. Often, that loss is caused by a very traumatic event. A person in trauma often lives with the recurrent,...

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Ministering to the Suffering
Ministering to the Suffering

COURSE DESCRIPTION: When people have suffered trauma and loss, they often feel as if they are all alone in their suffering. Their world has been turned upside down. The solid footing they had before the trauma is no longer solid. Trauma can affect them in many...

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Death, Funerals & the Role of a Chaplain (1/2 day) 
Death, Funerals & the Role of a Chaplain (1/2 day) 

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Nothing cries out more tenderly and sometimes tragically for the chaplain than death.  Where is the chaplain?  Does the chaplain have a word from the Lord?  Death provides an opportunity to share spiritual truths from God’s Word.  As Chaplains, God...

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Weddings, Funerals and the Role of a Chaplain
Weddings/Marriage & the Role of a Chaplain (1/2 day)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: It is critical that a high-rise building under construction has a deep and strong foundation under it so that it can support everything above it. Marriage is no different. Its upward potential is dependent on the foundation under it. Will it be...

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Crisis of Faith or Cry of Distress (2-day)
Crisis of Faith or Cry of Distress (2-day)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Trauma and loss can shape and shatter meaning. When people encounter trauma, they enter a state of distress and grief. Often, they want a reason for what happened. They want to know why, so they can once again have a sense of order and...

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Law Enforcement Perspectives to CISM
Law Enforcement Perspectives to CISM

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Learn to identify, understand & work with the “Blue Wall of Silence” in the law enforcement community. Designed to provide insight & understanding of the different types of stress in the law enforcement culture from a systems perspectives emphasis,...

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Strategic Response to Crisis – ICISF
Strategic Response to Crisis – ICISF

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Knowing what sequence of crisis intervention processes to implement for which individuals or groups, at what times, and under what circumstances is crucial to all effective early intervention programs. The course will present essential information...

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Pastoral Crisis Intervention I & II – ICISF
Pastoral Crisis Intervention I & II – ICISF

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This class is able to combine both the Pastoral Crisis Intervention I and II into a 3-day period. The student will receive two (2) Certificates of Completion through the University of Maryland at the end of the training. One for Pastoral Crisis...

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Pastoral Crisis Intervention II – ICISF
Pastoral Crisis Intervention II – ICISF

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Pastoral Crisis Intervention may be thought of as the combination of faith-based resources with traditional techniques of crisis intervention. This course builds on the foundations of ICISF’s “Pastoral Crisis Intervention I” class. More specific...

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Pastoral Crisis Intervention II – ICISF
Pastoral Crisis Intervention I – ICISF

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Pastoral Crisis Intervention may be thought of as the combination of faith-based resources with traditional techniques of crisis intervention. Pastoral Crisis Intervention represents a powerful addition to traditional community and organizational...

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Group Crisis Intervention – ICISF
Group Crisis Intervention – ICISF

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Crisis Intervention is NOT psychotherapy; rather, it is a specialized acute emergency mental health intervention which requires specialized training. As physical first aid is to surgery, crisis intervention is to psychotherapy. Thus, crisis...

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Assisting Individuals in Crisis – ICISF
Assisting Individuals in Crisis – ICISF

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Crisis Intervention is NOT psychotherapy; rather, it is a specialized acute emergency mental health intervention which requires specialized training. As physical first aid is to surgery, crisis intervention is to psychotherapy. Thus, crisis...

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